
Alkek’s First Floor: A Sanctuary of Creativity as the Academic Term Draws to a Close

SAN MARCOS – As the semester comes to an end, students look for ways to ease stress and express themselves creatively. 

The university, which is experiencing a significant growth spurt according to Inside TXST, has set a record in freshman enrollment for the third consecutive time. This surge in student population brings a fresh wave of creativity and the need for expressive outlets. Recognizing this need, the Alkek Library offers a vast space dedicated to fostering creativity among students.

At the heart of this creative hub are the Youstar studios, a haven for students to explore and express their artistic talents. These studios are well-equipped with a variety of audio gear, providing a professional environment for aspiring musicians and creators. The initiative doesn’t stop at the studio doors; the library also extends the opportunity for students to check out gear. This flexibility allows them to create in the comfort of their dorms or apartments, making the pursuit of creative projects more accessible than ever.

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Alex Hodson, an Engineering major at Texas State, is one such student who finds solace in music creation. As a stress-relief method, Hodson often immerses himself in music production.

“I wish everyone was able to get their own setup, it’s expensive,” Hodson shares, highlighting the financial hurdles often faced by budding artists. “It’s nice to know there’s somewhere I can go that makes it easy for me to get a hold of gear.”

His sentiments echo the voices of many students who yearn for creative expression but are often limited by financial constraints.


Similarly, Anisa May, a Computer Science major, finds her creative escape in the Youstar studio.

“I like to go to the Youstar studios often, I like to go in-between my classes, It’s kind of a stress release,” says May. Her routine involves visiting the studio between classes, using music as a way to decompress and rejuvenate. “Aside from the Youstar studio, I like to go to EDM shows to reward myself after an exam,” she adds, drawing a connection between her academic efforts and her passion for music.

The Youstar studios offer more than just audio production facilities. They are a comprehensive creative suite, featuring spaces for physical media creation and video equipment. This diversity in resources caters to a wide range of creative interests, from music production to video editing and beyond. Students have the liberty to experiment with different forms of media, enhancing their skills and discovering new passions.

Veronica Jones, a student worker at the Alkek Library, observes the impact of the Youstar studios firsthand.

“I’ve seen a lot of people come down here in between classes to make beats,” she notes, acknowledging the popularity of the studios among the student body. “I’ve heard really cool things, I definitely would recommend it if someone needed a spot to make music,” Jones adds, endorsing the studios as a valuable resource for students seeking a creative outlet.

Emilio A · comments on the Youstar studios

The accessibility of the Youstar studios, mirroring the operating hours of the Alkek Library, ensures that students can utilize these facilities at their convenience. Whether it’s an early morning session before classes or a late-night creative burst, the studios are always open to foster the artistic endeavors of the students.

The growth of Texas State University is not just in numbers; it’s in the expanding opportunities for students to explore and express their creativity. The Youstar studios, in conjunction with the Alkek Library’s resources, are pivotal in this growth. They provide a platform for students to not only relieve stress but also to cultivate their talents, discover new passions, and maybe even lay the groundwork for future careers in creative fields.

For more information visit the Alkek library website

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