
Navigating the Shadows of Imposter Syndrome


Impostor syndrome, sometimes referred to as impostor phenomenon or impostorism, is a psychological pattern in which a person harbors self-doubt and feels unworthy despite proof of their skill and accomplishments. Even when they have succeeded in their chosen industry or have the requisite abilities and credentials, those who suffer from impostor syndrome frequently have a continuous dread that they will be revealed as a “fake” or “impostor.”


Imposter syndrome affects recent graduates frequently, and there are various causes of this condition: 

  • Leaving the Academic World and Entering the Professional One – Graduating from college or university signifies a substantial departure from the academic world and entry into the professional one. Recent grads could doubt themselves if they feel unprepared for the difficulties and obligations of their new positions.
  • Many young graduates have little professional experience in their chosen fields. They can think they don’t have the abilities to achieve since they judge themselves against more accomplished coworkers.
  • Fear of Failure –  Because they may have limited room for error in a competitive employment market, recent graduates sometimes worry about making mistakes or failing in their new jobs. Anxiety and self-doubt might result from this fear.
  • High Expectations – Those who have graduated may hold themselves in high regard because they want to demonstrate the worth of their degree. Impostor syndrome can occur when people feel that there is a disconnect between their performance as it is now and what they had expected.
  • Comparisons with classmates –  Recent graduates could make this comparison between themselves and their classmates who appear to be doing well in their careers. They may have emotions of inadequacy and imposter syndrome as a result of this comparison.

I had the opportunity to speak with two alumni from Career Services, Ketrina Mirus and Adam Hernandez who dealt with imposter syndrome at various points in their lives. to be somewhat familiar with both alumni Katrina works as an admissions assistant at Career Service, where she oversees all student employees and maintains office efficiency. whom Texas State University also graduated in 2019. Adam is a Career Educator that helps students with job application materials and career exploration. He is responsible for providing career advice to students. 2022 saw him graduate from Texas State University as well.

Here’s the video:


Recognizing imposter syndrome as a frequent occurrence is crucial, particularly during significant life transitions like graduation. Although it can be difficult, there is room for improvement and education. Recent graduates can take measures to control and get rid of imposter syndrome, such as looking for guidance and support, establishing reasonable expectations, concentrating on skill development, and appreciating their successes and progress.

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