

The Square: What’s coming soon?

By. Alberto C. Montalvo  

Throughout the years bars have come and go. From Vodka Street, to Rooftop, to Stonewall. The bars being closed, some taking everyone by surprise while others didn’t. But with every door closing, a new one opens. Last summer, we were given The Aquarium. The question that had locals’ question was: what is to take the spots right above The Aquarium, after Rooftop closed shortly after the pandemic started, or what is to take the spot where Stonewall once was? Well, it was announced in February that a new bar by the name of ‘Wildfire’ will be what’s taking over the spot where Stonewall stood. With this new bar opening it has caused quite a lot of controversy among the student population. Especially those who are part of the LGBTQ community.  

“I loved working at Stonewall, it was a really cool environment, I got to meet a lot of cool people. And it was just fun. I’m a queer person so it was just a really fun place to work. Being queer, and having that opportunity to meet other queer people, and being able to be in a queer space was just an awesome experience,” said Lucas Jimenez. Jimenez ,22, of San Marcos was the assistant manager at Stonewall. He attended the meeting where the employees found out the bar was being closed. 

“I was in shock honestly; so we had been called for a meeting on New Year’s day, after, and we were all confused like ‘why is he calling a meeting on New Years day? It doesn’t make sense’, but we were all kind of expecting to go over expectations for the new year. And stuff like that. But when we go there,he had told us he sold the business. Last night ( new years eve) was the last night we were  open. I was just really in disbelief, like it didn’t feel real. I had been there over a year and a half. Like this is weird, there’s no more queer bar in San Marcos. Like, I’m out of a job now. Just complete disbelief. That i couldn’t go back to work, or go see the shows anymore. Because I had been going there since 2017. It was my home bar,” said Jimenez. 

Jimenez worked alongside Cooper Murphy, 22, of Houston is a Advertising major with a focus in art direction at Texas State. Doesn’t keep up with the square much since the closure of stonewall, but was also there when the staff got the news of the closure. 

“I wanted to get out into the gay community a little more, I was very in my room and not socializing with anyone except online. And I just wanted to meet other people in the LGBT community around San Marcos. I just fell in love with the bar,” Murphy said. 

With the closure of Stonewall, many students and locals wonder what’s next up for The Square? It’s not a surprise many things from Austin trickle their way into this city. With The Aquarium, and now Rooftop being the two bars that have sibling bars in Austin’s 6th street. 

Rachel Green,21, of Katy is a junior at Texas State, and has been to WILDFIRE, the bar that took the place of Stonewall, and also Rooftop. 

“So it’s hard for me to compare WILDFIRE, and Stonewall because I had never been to Stonewall, but we spent more time at Rooftop. But from what I remember it was really nice on the inside. I really liked Rooftop from what I remember. I was already lit when I was there. mainly because of Rooftop. I mainly loved the view, and the bartenders were very cool also,” Green said. 

Other than those two bars, Green’s favorite bars on The Square are Axis, Mayloos, and Green Parrot. The Square has many bars all close together it’s almost hard to decipher which is the best bar to go to, or the funnest. But one thing’s for sure that it has multiple different bars for any type of personality that walks into each of them. Along that is also cheap drinks. 

“I would definitely recommend the square. I still tell my friends who aren’t 21 yet that I can’t wait till they turn 21. I just have so much fun with my friends there honestly,” said Green. 

New things have come to the square right before summer starts. Bellow are pictures of whats new, and whats changed in downtown San Marcos.

When it comes to the square I interview Kristen Grothues the social community manager at Uptown square about her thoughts on the square!

My live interview with Rachel Green is also uploaded on my soundcloud!


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