
Veganism and Vegetarianism in San Marcos

Millennials are leading a movement: the rise of plant-based eating. Veganism and vegetarianism are on the rise both in the United States and worldwide. However, it isn’t always easy to eat plant-based as a college student in a state that drives the cattle industry.

Photo Story by Simone Corprew

Earth Burger with Xzavyon Davenport by Chelyse Prevost

Which is the best? A comparison of three vegetarian food options.

A photo story by Addison McKissack

Vegetarian and vegan food options are becoming easier and easier to find. That begs the question, which option is the best and are they good enough to help convince someone who isn’t a vegetarian to give up meat?

I asked three longtime vegetarians for their favorite spots to get vegetarian-friendly food and took Texas State junior Zoe Gassman to try them out to see if they could make her want to be a vegetarian. Gassman decided to give each meal a score out of 10.

With San Marcos growing the way it is, it must push itself to cater to all types of people that come here. This includes people who’s diets seem to be a little different than the normal diet. Though there are options, it is very limited. The vegan and vegetarian community in San Marcos are constantly having to jump through hoops to cater to their dietary lifestyles.

Photo Story By Ashley Brown

Logan Mcilveen, a local vegetarian, showed me how he usually bakes his plant based dinners in oven for 10 minutes to refrain from cross contamination in the microwave.
Logan Mcilveen, a local vegetarian, prepares his dinners for the week through a meal prepping plan. He preps all of his meals on Sunday and stores them away for the week so he does not have to worry about finding food for himself later in the week.
Shopping in fresh produce places like HEB or farmers markets, provide the vegetarian and vegan community with options to eat food similar to a regular omnivore diet. However, Megan Gardner, a local vegan, says , “While HEB does have a section for meat substitutes, I have yet to find vegan cheese, sour cream, and specific meat substitutions that I usually find back home.”
HEB has a frozen food aisle full of options for non meat eaters to find substitutes for themselves. Here they can find meatless burgers, meatless taco meat, and meatless chick’n fingers.
Megan Gardner, a local vegan says she finds her freshest produce at HEB. If she can’t find a plant based patty, she can go to HEB and buy the ingredients she needs, to make it for herself.
HEB strives to give all people of all different eating backgrounds access to their food preferences for an affordable price, according to HEB employee, Franklin Davis.
Buzzmill is one of the few places in San Marcos that has a portion of their menu dedicated to vegans or vegetarians specifically. Autumn Senkyrik, a local vegetarian, says “Being vegetarian at a restaurant is more expensive but that’s any healthier option I guess.”
Earth Burger is a plant based restaurant that opened up in San Marcos just this past summer. This restaurant added itself to the short list of options for the vegan and vegetarian community.
Earth Burger provides variety for it’s customers including everything from fishless sandwiches, non dairy desserts, to meatless sandwiches.

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