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Highly Anticipated Night Club Opens in Austin, Texas

Story and Video By Elizabeth Perryman

The Coconut Club, the newest addition to the Hotel Vegas entertainment group, opened its doors on November 22nd at 10 PM. This was the soft opening of the night club, which had originally been scheduled to open during SXSW but they had run into problems with their permits because the original location they chose was too close to a school. After months of relocation, planning, and logistics the Coconut Club was finally ready to open its doors.

Arriving right at 10:05 PM the club was already showing signs of a full house. The bartenders served coconut themed drinks out of a cute — but not so functional coconut cup. The patrons were already having a good time and the dance floor had a few go-getters filing in to take over the space. This being a word of mouth event, the patrons all had a similar vibe. The club had originally been boasted as “Austin’s Studio 54” so dressing up was not an option, but expected.

The interior of the club was tropical, but also classic, yet unexpected. They played on the themes of gambling and faux designer luxury goods. Their logo is a play on the green and red striped Gucci logo, while the walls were covered in intricate lines and geometric shapes. They also smartly incorporated mirrors on the walls and ceiling to give the space the illusion of being much bigger than it is.

I expect the Coconut Club to quickly become one of Austin’s better known night clubs, just from the highly anticipated soft opening and the packed crowd by only 11PM — it is sure to stick around for awhile.

Check out my Twitter for a series of tweets from the Coconut Club opening

My promotional video from my night at the Coconut Club

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